Cancellation policy

The company

Our company has the right to cancel the event due to low participation at the latest three days before the event. Cancellation of the event may also be made for reasons of force majeure or for reasons that the company deems appropriate.

If the event is cancelled for any of the above reasons, the client will receive the amount paid in full.

If during the excursion there are reasons that require the immediate interruption of the tour (war, extraordinary weather conditions, etc.) our responsibility is limited to the repatriation of the participant by the most appropriate means, without assuming the costs that may arise, or the responsibility of reimbursement or compensation.

The client

If the participating Client or Client Group representative or any participant decides to cancel their participation they must state this by email or any other appropriate means, request necessarily accompanied by proof of payment.

The cancellation may take place up to 48 hours from the purchase of the product.

In the event that the customer does not attend the event through his/her own fault, the possibility of refunding the amounts paid is not provided.